How I get inspired by Vasjen Katro

Oct 28, 2020


Vibrant color, smooth texture, and surreal motion graphics, Vasjen Katro’s design work immediately attracted my attention when I first looked at it a few years ago. His works completely change my impression of digital art and led me into a new world of design.
Vasjen Katro is a graphic and visual designer from Albania, who has design experiences for more than 10 years. He created Baugasm, which is a self-driven design project. By doing this project, he creates a poster every day for three years, and in total, he made over 700 posters.

In his ted talk, he said, “Designers call me an artist, artists call me a design.”
He pointed out several suggestions that we should know when we design:
•Push software to its limits
•Get your hands dirty
•Better time management
•There is no finish line
•Consistency is key

How I get inspired by Vasjen Katro?
By printing out his works and rearrange different elements into a collage, a lot of new design ideas can jump out from my mind. The dynamic shapes and textures he created always look good in any direction, even combine with other elements. In order to have more visual enhancement, I even cut out some portraits to combine with his works.

Collage made out of Vasjen Katro’s works

Great artists and designers should have their own style. By doing this, we should keep designing and practice, to get to know what’s our personal style. Vasjen Katro’s works are great visual enhancement and we should keep developing new styles as he did.




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